Well what can I say. I thought- it’s off the tourist trail really –everyone says don’t bother- so there must be something there everyone’s missing- right?
Well the caravan park was paved but pretty sh*te as far as facilities for us were concerned. I woke up feeling a bit hungover and generally tired. Deeds had got an early night and I sat reading and drinking beers and stuff.
After hunting around for somewhere to change Deed’s traveller’s cheques –we walked the mall that made up the city centre.. really..that was it..a mall!
–The Verdict: Driving through a place that looked much like Stevenage wasn’t my idea of a dream, and after little success with the travellers cheeques my resoluteness to seek out the good in this town was as low as our fuel gauge.
In a snap decision- I abandoned all ideas of seeing the Old/New Parliament, Museum of Australia, and National Gallery; in favour of a box of cheap doughnuts, a tank full of gas, a couple of ‘V’ (redbull style) drinks and another 300ks on the GPS.
It was 3pm and we were off to Sydney.