Anyone wanna make a bet with me to see if I actually keep up with journaling throughout the trip? Right now I am feeling an array of emotions about my upcoming trip to South Korea.
- Anxious
- Exciting
- Surreal
- Bewildered
Tonight, I had a good conversation with my mom about her childhood memories in Korea. It has been a strange week because of busy work and wrapping things up before I FORGET EVERYTHING for next 3 weeks! Finally, my overdue vacation... and I feel strange because I am so used to working. Yea, yea! I can picture what you guys are going to say! Anyway, I am hoping that I am able to regularly blog my travel updates. Maybe more of photojournalism style. I prefer that than to explain everything in depth unless I am truly touched by something and I would definitely share with you guys! I look forward to creating a NEW adventure with my traveling partner, Leyla! Whoo whoo!
So be forewarned.. you need to keep up with following my aimless trail across the globe and you are at risk of getting lost along the way... Good luck!! LOL! Please leave comments and I'd love to hear from you guys. The more I hear from you guys and the more encouraging I can keep blogging. That's me. You know how many blogs I have out there in the cyberspace and most of them are umm left to dust, right?!
Please come back and check for updates. Hugs