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Trains, Buses, Boats and bikes

VIETNAM | Friday, 5 September 2008 | Views [366] | Comments [1]

Overnight train SaPa to Hanoi was OK - 4 bunks to a room with a stock of beer, water, moon cakes and Oreos (peanut butter and chocolate variety).

We checked into hotel changed and breakfasted before heading for Halong Bay by bus. Halong Bay is essentially a tourist trap - a very formularised tour with the ritual stop each eay at he driver's cousin's gift shop.  The Bay is a natural wonder but it is full of party boats, with each group visiting a limestione cave, doing some kayaking  and maybe some swimming (no one fancied it having seen water close up in kayaks). Our group mercifully passed on karaoake - booze and food was OK.

Today was first unregimented day and took the opportunity to visit Uncle Ho's museum, the museum of literature (site of 12th Century university/ shrine to Confucius and his mates).  WE also ate at KOTO - a training school/cafe for street kids which was very good.

I managed to part with a million or so dong in the nearby craft shops.

Rode back to hotel on one of the local motor bike taxis - OK way to travel.

We ate out (again) at Little Hanoi - bill including drinks came to around $30 for seven of us (but we were not that hungry).

You can buy a decent-looking Crumpler bag here for $20-30.

Good night from Vietnam



Four boys, beer and confined spaces...hmmm.

So will a scooter be the next addition to the garage?

I'd forgotten about KoTo - looking forward to hearing more about it. Their website is http://www.streetvoices.com.au/ for anyone interested.

  SJ Sep 5, 2008 7:17 AM

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