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A Inspiring World

A Inspiring World

SPAIN | Thursday, 3 September 2015 | Views [193] | Scholarship Entry

Telling a story is great.

An idea enters your mind and you start trying to make it real. Or maybe it´s the other way around. You see something, you meet somebody or you feel a new emotion and it starts to become an idea. In the end, it doesn´t matter which comes first. You imagine something, you make it happen and before you realize it you have much more than an idea. Awesome!

For me, travelling means meeting extraordinary people and outstanding experiences. I enjoy sightseeing and monuments too. But is not why I´m looking for. Have you ever surfed a dune in a desert in Peru? Has a shaman master introduced you to Ayahuasca in a jungle in Ecuador? Did you know that in a small town in Peru they celebrate Christmas beating their asses up?

My love for travelling must overcome a little obstacle though. I have Crohn´s disease. So when I travel I must carry my medicines in a little fridge with me. Some people think this is crazy but for me it just makes the trip a little more challenging. Imagine staying at home because you have a disease, that would be crazy for me!

I have already told some stories. You can check them in www.javiazkona.com
All I know about filmmaking I´ve learned it on my own, through tutorials and a “try-do-change-try again...” method. This is why I lack some technical abilities. I firmly believe that this scholarship would be an invaluable opportunity for me.

Thank you!


Tags: 2015 Film Scholarship to Colombia

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