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children at the airport

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Worldwide | Sunday, October 17, 2010 | 3 photos

There is a wonderful quality in the innocence a child has and I like to use my photography to express that. These photos were taken during a down time at Harbin Airport in Northern China and the children and their expressions caught my eye. There is this an unadulterated joy in the love that a mother shows to her child and I find that to this day this photo still makes me smile. This is quite contrast to my other photos where one child is trying desperately to get away from his carer, possibly due to boredom and the other child is waiting intently for possibly a family member to return. This is quite different to the average adult at the airport, whose role is to ensure that the flight details are correct, departure time is accurate, children are present, baggage is safe, money is counted and passports are on hand without taking the time out to appreciate it all.

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