Diego has contracted a disease.....
Doctor Jose has his diagnosis:
Possibility x). Diego, having drunk from the fountain of youth (or was it a Michelada) he has miraculously turned back the clock to when he was a fifteen year old going through puberty. Probability 10%
Possibility y). Diego's personal hygiene has declined whilst spending nearly every waking minute with his idol Jose. Whilst on a tequila tour, it's important to clean the sheen of sweat off your back before you climb into a flithy dirty bed pissed as a fart. Or shower more frequently than once every three days. Probability 25%
Possibilty z). After consulting world leading dietians from around the globe, including Tony, research suggests that the "Beer and taco" diet can lead to skin deformities. Mainly in the form of small to medium red spots on back and shoulders. A change in diet by growing some balls and switching to the mezcal may clear the skin in just a few days. Probability 15%
Possiblity k). Karma from having a very loose definition of a toilet in San diego has come back to bite him on the back and shoulders. Possiblity 33%
Possiblity t). Never talk to ladies of the night while buying your night cap at the modelorama. You never know what unearthly diseases you may catch. Possibility 12.5%
Possibility r). An attack from a combination of sandmites, mosquito's, fire-ants and sea crabs. Possibility 100%
So there you have folks - the poll is set.
Is it x), y), z), k), t) or r)
We look forward to hearing your comments.