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A Thousand Corners

A Thousand Words

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 1 September 2015 | Views [217] | Scholarship Entry

My trip to India in early 2014 with Anna Zhu was the turning point for me in wanting to become a documentary filmmaker. Its been my only filmmaking trip to date, and though it was not for a documentary project, I filmed constantly in an attempt to capture everything, with no particular plan for the footage. Discovering that community and sharing the experience with Anna was very special, and ever since I have wanted to work on projects that enable me to travel, learn and share my experiences in the hope that they inspire, raise awareness and educate.
This competition has provided me with a fortunate opportunity, to use some of that footage and share a small portion of my experience and Anna’s influence on me.
I really believe this opportunity would be a major step toward my development as a documentary filmmaker, and I would feel very privileged to have an established filmmaker like Bryan, provide mentorship and guidance. I’m ready to soak up all the experience this trip has to offer, and am already burning with questions! I know that my filmmaking skills would really benefit in many ways, including developing my ability to naturally blend into my filming environment, in fleshing out a great, truthful story, and building a greater understanding of the logistics involved in documentary filmmaking. Not only this, but the experience to travel and explore exciting new communities in the culturally diverse and exciting place that is Columbia, would definitely be a dream come true.

Tags: 2015 Film Scholarship to Colombia

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