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The Backpacker's Australia!

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited - The Backpacker's Australia

Australia | Thursday, June 13, 2013 | 5 photos

The photographer within me was discovered at a young age; from getting my first point and shoot for my 10th birthday to eventually saving up enough to make the SLR step up some years later, nothing much has changed. Though my techniques and preferences may have developed, I still feel inspired every time I look at a photo that has really captured the scene. To think that I could become that photographer drives me to pursue a career within this illustrious industry.

The thought of being able to combine my 2 great passions, Photography and Travel, comes so highly desired to me. I recently spent 3 months travelling through Australia and New Zealand, I was overwhelmed by the opportunity for taking photos and thrived upon the challenge to find a new angle and try something different. Much of what I do know was picked up at my local camera club, professional photographers would come in to share their photos and explain the thoughts behind them. I would then attempt to take on their comments to try and find my own personal style of photography.

After many years and a personal library of countless thousand photos later, I still have so much left to learn.

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