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IRELAND | Wednesday, 30 September 2009 | Views [415]

For our next trip we headed for Dublin, Ireland to see Jason Van Hout and to meet his fiancé Nicola.

Not really sure what to expect, we found it entertaining to hear the Customs Officer turn to his colleague and say “Are we letting Kiwis in?” with a sly smile. 

We were then annoyed at the realisation that our cell phones had been disconnected from Global Roaming, so faced the weekend without modern technology.

Greeted at the airport by Jason and Nicola, we headed for our hotel (down the road from where Jason and Nicola live) in Leixlip .  It was called The Courtyard Hotel.  We checked into our hotel under the name “Van Hoff” –an accidental error by the hotel, which lead to a lot of jokes! We headed to an Italian restaurant for dinner and then back to the hotel bar for a couple of pints of Guinness (for James anyway). Was fun catching up after a fair few years. We also learnt from Nicola that the Guinness family live just down the road from the hotel at Leixlip Castle.

With Jason playing Rugby on Saturday, James and I headed for Dublin to tour around. Firstly we headed up the road on foot to search for the Leixlip castle. Finding the gates open, we walked in took a few pictures.

We then caught a bus into Dublin. We used a hop on/hop off bus, with commentary of the sights and history of Dublin.  We stopped at St Stevens Park for a walk around (lovely manicured gardens and very vivid green grass) and also strolled through Temple Bar, filled with Irish pubs, souvenir shops, and cobblestoned streets. The main focus of the day was to tour through the Guinness Factory, the third most popular brand tour attraction in the world, behind VW and Hersheys.  It was a great tour, we followed the brewing stages to learn how Guinness was made, we got to pour our own pint of Guinness (which coincidentally is not poured with a shamrock on top-James now keeps a sharp eye on how the bartenders pour his Guinness!) and view Dublin from the Observation Desk (the highest point in Dublin). We also learnt that Arthur Guinness poured his first pint of Porter (the beer he later developed into Guinness) at the site of our hotel (an old brewery).  The first taste of Guinness was really good, even I enjoyed it, as it didn’t seem to have such a strong after bite like back in NZ!  James loved every minute of the tour! We thought it was funny watching some people try Guinness, then pull a sour face afterwards!  And others (including James) that almost cried at the sight of people leaving left over pints at the tables…criminal!

We then headed back to the hotel, had dinner and headed for the Barnhill Rugby Clubrooms, where we meet up again with Jason and Nicola. It was a grand night, with lots of drinking and a great band playing.  For some reason, the Heinikan Cup was circulating around and we managed to get our hands on it for a photo (it’s the Irish version of the NZ NPC). We just missed out on a photo op with the Six Nations Trophy too, sadly.


Sunday was a slow start. We checked out of our hotel and headed for the coast with Jason and Nicola. We stopped at a pub in Howth, and had some yummy seafood chowder and mussels.  We got some Irish history from Nicola, around how England adversely affected Ireland. Something we will read up on some more.

We headed for the airport, stopping once more for a final pint of Guinness and so Jason could show us Hurling on TV. A very strange but skilful game!

It was awesome to catch up with Jason and Nicola, we had a really great weekend.


James notes: First the Guinness was amazing 2) What we saw of Ireland was beautiful, 3) Nicola is to good looking for Van Hoff 4) The English absolutely shafted the Irish.

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