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Simulacra - What Lingers ? Question. How do you capture something as ephemeral as scent and show how it makes you feel ? Answer. Much like the whiff of perfume might trigger a memory or incite an internal shift, using a shard of an old crystal perfume bottle found in flea mark

Simulacra & Simulation - What Lingers ?

France | Friday, July 5, 2013 | 5 photos

Question. How do you capture something as ephemeral as scent and show how it makes you feel ?

Answer. Much like the whiff of perfume might trigger a memory or incite an internal shift, using a shard of an old crystal perfume bottle found in flea market placed it in front of the lens and attempted an altered visual language of diffraction and distortion
2 of these images are included. 1 is very apparent ('After Glow'), the other ('A time and place') is more subtle and only just visible in the lower right of the frame.


Last year I borrowed a friends DSLR for the umpteenth time and took it on a holiday to France.

Why did I go to the home of the Baguette, wine and cars named after Lemons and perfume.. ?

.. all of the above .. but especially the last.

I am fascinated by scent and wanted to visit these palaces of perfume and smell for myself the home of these icons of the olfactory.

While my mates went to the Louvre I jumped on another metro line, treasure map in hand and dived deep in the heart of Paris ..

These images are that days experience and journey.

NB. None of these images have been cropped, edited, or altered. They are as they came off the camera. They were shot in a monochromatic setting on a 5dmkii. NO adjustments have been made whatsoever.


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