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Innes National Park

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Friday, July 5, 2013 | 5 photos

I got my first camera little over a year ago, and have never been the same since. Wherever I go, all I see is a photo opportunity. I imagine how I can frame and expose a photo to best represent the beauty that I see. I am no doubt, in love with everything about photography.

My other passion is the environment. As an ecologist, I study the patterns of the environment and attempt to understand them. I strongly believe in sustaining the world by demoting its exploitation. As a photographer and an environmentalist, I want to share the world's beauty with everyone through my photographs. Despite my passions, I have not had the opportunity to travel the world. My photography expeditions are limited by how far my fuel tank can take me. My dream is to travel and take photos of beautiful landscapes, culture, people and when necessary, their abuse.

This is an opportunity to not only see the vast landscape and harsh ecology of Greenland, but to learn from Jason's experience and expertise. My photography has been driven by passions thus far; I have never had any formal training. This experience will allow me to expand my knowledge and perhaps lead me to a possible career in this field.

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