SO,What a relief to be out and about in the great big wide world.Coming here I did manage to get squeezed into business class, and I do mean squeezed. The man to my right was as corpulent as ever I,ve seen, and the woman to my left, although shorter, well let,s just say she was no skinny minnie. Sleep was totally impossible, because the corpulent one snored quite loud I could here it through my headphones..Thank you Lord that I wasn,t in coach.Customs was a breeze, abeautiful brunette took a brief nod a my passport, said "ciao" and I was in.
The Leonardo Express is the most fantastic railway ever. Fantastic countryside straight into the centre on roma, and all in 35 minutes. Jumped out, helped some old incognito clerics get their luggage, heavy as hell, and I suppose it must be really trying traveling with all those woolen vestements etc. well I,m totally going off on tangent, but walked straight to the taxi sstand, no line no wait and in a flash I,m here @ no 39 via Buonarroti.