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The Shore Line Of Sydney

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | flickr photos

I bought my first serious camera in 2007 and ever since that day my camera comes with me wherever i go. I take nightclub and event photos on the weekend and landscape shots in my free time. It makes my day when i see the smiles on peoples faces when they see my photos, knowing that i made that persons day just that little bit better.

I strive to take the photos that other people never think of, the ones that make people stop and stare at the photograph and say "wow, that is awesome". The world is an amazing place and not everyone gets the opportunity to travel. My aim is to bring the beauty of this earth to those people, the photos that make you think about how lucky we really are.

My direction in photography is always changing as i am always setting myself different challenges and projects, learning and growing as i go.

It has always been a dream of mine to travel and highlight the issues and beauty of the world through the medium of photography. A photograph is a very powerful thing and i wish to use this to bring smiles to others, make people stare in amazement at the beauty of the earth and to show the more fortunate people how lucky we really are.

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