My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited
Nepal | Friday, July 5, 2013 |
flickr photos
Hello there
I am Istiak.Learning and doing photography almost 3 year. I love to travel places.I try go with different culture and make relationship with people.I do hard work to fulfill self-satisfactions as well as assignments needs.I do basically landscape,wild life & architectural photography.
My primary desire to attend this workshop is to learn from international photographer & get a glimpse of professional photography from a world stage, since it is next to impossible to do so from Bangladesh, my home country.Due to sociopolitical instability & economic constraints, educational resources on the subject are limited and professional occupations even less, on a mass scale.However, there are a few places of study & practices available in Dhaka, where I’m from, one of which includes Pathshala.In terms of institutional education,they are not offering this type of international opportunities to develop travel photography. .
This scholarship will highly help me to find out new opportunities to develop my carrier as a travel photographer as well as it will give me the great opportunities to work with national Geographic ’s team.
Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio.
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