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My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Worldwide | Saturday, November 5, 2011 | 5 photos

I took these photos last ummer during my ususal family holidays at Lesvos island. My mother was born there but we live at my fathers village, at peloponese. I often tell her she was crazy to live such a wonderful place.anyway, the reason I started to shoot things is because I m not that talented as a painter. but photography is the best way to freeze time, to share what you see with other and, perhaps, amke them feel like you do. Do you know tha e-mails people send with breathtaking pics? well, i always looked at them and i wished to take such amazing shots sometime in my life.unfortunatelly, i didn't have the opportunity to do it so far, so winning the scholarship, travelling at such an amazing place as . Africa, working for the BATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC and learning from the best..well...wow! I could never imagine it even in my wildest dreams...I m sure I have lots and lots to learn, and to improve but I do not mind the hard work. travel was always my dream and and the only way to id so far was books, magazins, and watching photos which other took. now, I 'd like to take my own, and have omething to brag for beffore my 30s. the photos I 've chosen to show are some of my favourites. they only show little things, details from the everyday life things you can see there, things you will like but you won't find in postcards. the photo with the homeles guy is a very special one, very sad, and full of emotions, at least for me.that man was liing there having absolutelly no conscience of what was going on around. people passed by, some turned away, others throw some changeand I was wondering how sad is to getting old and having noone to help you.nowdays with the crisis, this image means even more to me, because we do not know what our future will be.anyway, thank u for your time!

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