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My Scholarship Entry

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Canada | Tuesday, July 2, 2013 | flickr photos

My name is Tiina and I'm from Ontario, Canada.
A few years ago decided to take up photography as a hobby, so I had decided to take a couple analog and digital photography classes in high school to try it out. Turns out that I love it and decided to go to University for it. I am going into second year University and starting my photography classes this fall.
This scholarship would provide me with such an incredible learning experience and give me a fantastic opportunity to be able to ask a professional photographer big and small questions to advance my technical skill of shooting in the field. The surroundings of Greenland would stir up so much inspiration and awe. All in all an absolutely unbelievable experience that would be such an honor to be picked to have a chance to learn and grow!

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