I always knew I was born to travel. Ever since I can remember, my one true passion was exploring. Well, that and eating, but luckily the two go hand in hand just like my passport and my credit card. There was never really any question of if I would travel, simply when. For me, real life was just a thing that happened when I wasn’t on some ridiculous adventure, and it never seemed like too much fun anyway. I tried it for 31 years, decided it wasn’t for me and booked along with my boyfriend a one way ticket to crazy-town. Well Buenos Aires, actually, but you know what I mean.
I may not have the career, house, diamond rings or fancy new cars that many desire, but those things were never that important to me anyway. Instead, I carve my own path. Our journey is never about the destination, it’s about what we find on the way. As nomads, we live for those moments in time where the world stands still,where the beauty of a place takes our breath away, and the comforts of a home and career fade into the background.
We find our own treats on the road, a cup of chai, a cosy poncho or a chat with my twin sister half a world away. We learn to appreciate the little things and live simply, forsaking the closeness of family and shiny things for a taste of adventure, our hearts and cameras filled with treasured memories and true friendships that will last a lifetime.
#1 The Itchy Feet
A nomad knows that the next adventure is just around the corner. We embrace the unknown, letting our itchy feet lead the way on a journey of discovery, and throwing all caution to the wind, because we know there’s nothing more liberating than being in control of your own destiny.
#2 How easy it is to make friends for life
One of the greatest things about travelling is making new friends from all across the world. No matter how different your background, it’s easy to break the ice by swapping travel tales and bonding over shared experiences. Before you know it they’ll be offering you their couch if you ever end up in their neck of the woods and a lifetime of friendship will be born!
#3 Saying goodbye is the worst
Everyone knows the worst thing about travelling is all the goodbyes. You’re constantly falling in love with breathtaking new places and meeting amazing people, only to eventually have to go your separate ways. There’s no way around it, goodbyes suck. But at least when we part ways with fellow nomads, we know it’s only temporary. Our paths will surely cross again one day, it’s just a matter of time.
#4 Your smart phone/laptop is your lifeline
It’s not only your camera, your iPod and your journal, but in this internet age of social media and video calls, our phones and laptops are also the modern nomad’s most valuable tool for staying in touch and working on the road. There’s something incredible about being able to live chat with friends and family all over the world, send group messages to your BFFs and post awe-inspiring Instagram snaps, all with just one click of a button. But above all, for someone who loves getting lost as much as I do, phone GPS really is the bee’s knees.
#5 How to rock barefaced travel-chic
Leave the makeup bag behind, where you’re going confidence is the only thing that you need to shine. Let the sun kiss your skin, embrace your natural air dried waves and revel in how much more time you have for activities when you’re not worried about how you look! Dry shampoo and coconut oil are your best friends, and on those days when you don’t even feel like brushing your hair, a messy up do or a cute bandanna are all you need for on-the-go gorgeous.
#6 You can never find underwear your size
It’s an age old problem. No matter how hard you look, you just can’t find new lingerie when you travel and are constantly having to do laundry. I envy guys and their inside out/back to front techniques, but I also like feeling fresh every day. Discovering quick-dry, wick-away underwear literally changed my life. Okay, it’s not always that sexy, and the steep price tag can be daunting, but it truly is the bomb!
#7 The importance of good coffee
Sometimes all we need is a taste of home, and there’s nothing more comforting than treating yourself to a fancy cappuccino or a nice tea and watching the world pass you by. For me, strong Turkish coffee is always my first port of call for celebration, commiseration and comfort. And I always keep a stash of roasted coffee + sugar bags in my bag, just in case.
#8 You still miss home, and everywhere you’ve called home
It’s hard to leave things behind. People, places, food, language.. They’re all important building blocks to a happy life. But when we’re born to wander, it’s often just as hard to stay. And eventually, you’ll start to feel like all you need is your own bed, a nice hot shower and a hug from your Mum. You remember how much you miss all the comforts of home and dream of kicking back, eating all the food and catching up with old friends. But, when your feet start to tingle, and you look back and remember all the good times, you know it won’t be too long before you plan your next escape.

Written by Maureen M.
World traveler, blogger and publisher. Aspiring photographer and yoga enthusiast . Always on the search for new adventures and quirky coffee shops. My travel blog: Indietravel.net