People are boarding, we are still in the lounge, hard to leave. Kenny as usual is pestering me, we have to go we have too many carry ons plus the two bike wheels in a big black garbage bag. In my mind it's a waste of time, we have plenty of time. let the line decrease.
He's insisting so I make a deal with him: you take one bag I'll watch you from the lounge upstairs and once you get close I'll cone down with the rest of the bags, 4 total. He takes 2 so I follow him with the cumbersome bags and the weels. They are heavy but I can do it. I get to the gate, no passport, I'm the last to board. I start to panick but I can't show it. All I can think of, not another mashed potato story, please!! Kenny is gonna have to come off the plane to bring my passport, he will so pissed, he'll forget the lounge I persuaded him to go in and all the agile things I did tonight. But the stewardess walks me up and takes my wheels. Good thing because with all the panniers, cumbersome backpack and the wheels I wouldn't even be able to pass one single row!
We get to his seat after the 3 small beers he's all chilled, no dirty looks but no passport either. Total panick, I had three drinks my face is burning the whole plane is watching.
I cannot remember what I did with my passport, we are gonna miss the flight again, they are going to kick me off the plane. At least the dentist and the hairdresser doesn't know when we are getting there, I wouldn't be able to live through another cancellation!
I find the passpoert, it was is in my note book and by now I'm all sobbered up, but cannot find the google tablet. Ohhhh and I thought it became an easy flight. Found the tablet and we were able to put all the bags in the bagagge compartment even the wheels! The flight is not full and I even have two seats by the window, good to fly in March, off seasoneven though we are heading into a cold Europe.
We got to Budapest. Soooo good to be here, we saw my sweet Ibi and her sweet family.
Got an appointment with the hairdresser. Called him up and asked him if he can squeeze me in next day, he says maybe, but early. Im already terrified. no sleep the night before, even though I had two seats on the plane and I know that we'll up till very late chatting with Ibi. So he continues, really early, I'm shriveling. 7:30 am, i shriveled up like a raisin. shit, that mean leaving the apartment at 6:30. Getting up @5:30 and we have to be all packed to go to the airport. In the mean time no news from the dentist.
Just got out from the hairdresser, it was worth every single moment of stress! He is great and Kenny is happy too, he didn't do a crew cut. on the way there the dentist called, we can go. Once again everything is working out!
The city is under snow and continues to snow but it makes it even more beautiful. We are taking mass transit and we love it. We are starting to feel alive again. We are waking up. It is starting to sink. Kenny is asking me if I'm still sad about the house. It's fading away!