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My Scholarship entry - Life In York

United Kingdom | Monday, November 24, 2014 | 5 photos

Lost between joining the Royal Marines and going to University to study photography, I am hoping to obtain this scholarship so I can learn, develop and further hone my photography skills, by being mentored in a practical environment by a leading travel photography specialist.

For many years, without consciously realising it, I’ve been the person behind the camera on family, social, and educational outings and events, I’ve used cameras ranging from disposable to smartphone to low end DSLR’s. Now as I reach the end of my adolesence and enter the realm of adulthood, I've questioned not just which career path I want to follow, but also which lifestyle. So I realised that the life I've been daydreaming about and am truly passionate about is to progress into the photography industry and to travel the world discovering new experiences, and experiencing different cultures which I can share and transcend to others with my camera being the medium.

I hope you see me as a suitable candidate for this position because I am a broad-minded, pro-active and diligent individual who enjoy's being challenged and has a lust for knowledge and adventure.

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