Tonight is our second "final group dinner". The first time we only lost the leader, but this time we lose 3 members of the group. 1 other girl went home the day before yesterday because she ran out of money. We get 3 new people though, so that will be interesting.
I didn't particularly like Hue. The motorbike ride was fun (though the stops along the way were pretty boring) and we got a decent lunch at a nunnary too. We just got back from Halong Bay this afternoon. It was quite pretty, but the weather was pretty bad so we couldn't swim. We went kyacking this morning though, which was nice. I think the rainy weather might have been better for that because we didn't get sun burnt or anything.
We're off to Vinh tomorrow, then we cross the border into Laos and have a 12 or so hour bus ride to Vientane. I think I'll buy some cards or something before we leave Hanoi.