In Ireland, drug addiction is constantly on the rise. Seeing it always impacted me to the point, that it awakened a desire to help. Throughout my live I've seen my friends drowning in addiction, some of them never turned back. Others never came back alive.
After discovering the existence of Iboga, the more research
I did the more it inspired me. I believe it is time for people to find ways to
break down the power that addictions and wants have over them, and go back to
pure consciousness.
Before I began shooting I had to try Iboga myself to
fully understand it. This was a big test for me as not only would this have a
huge influence over this film but also I was taking such a big step for myself.
Within my research I contacted Sara Glatt, an Iboga
therapist, and had a treatment with her in order to get inside the minds eye of
Iboga. Since then I traveled to Holland to spend time with her, help with
treating others and explore more about the topic.
As a documentary filmmaker I wish my creative energies will
always lead me to the truth.