Started my day off wandering through tiny alleyways( think 'Womens squeeze' from Alexandria -searching for a charity ttrust who help provide opps. for the future of street children- in their office they have about 10 - all male - who have come off the streets and now do 2 hr walks around Delhi showing you the city and telling you about their former lives...eye seemed pathetic to give an asked 200r donation (less than £3) when these people with lots of volunteers from Europe do so much. I was so pleased to see 2 of the most recent street children have gone onto gain qualifications in business and tourism ( 1 got a bursary from Hawaii and 1 got an american wife& now living there started out so shitty for some of these kids and the trust gives them hope! Next I went to The Delhi foundation of Deaf women - what lovely welcoming women all having a laugh and chuckle and showing me their work....batik cards and wall hanging duly bought as mementoes. I braved the metro and went to the Bahai House of worship - am amazing lotus flower shaped building which invites people of all religions to worship and have a principle of a oneness of the human race...needless to say a very quiet place to contemplate your place in the world. Back onto the metro to try my luck at finding the Muslim mosque that does singing and sufi dances after prayers....OMG tiny alleyways which bring you out into a Hindu holy place and a myraid of beggars depending on muslims going to prayer and more stalls selling religious paraphenalia for both busy and after a while of being squished I leave to get back before dark...Metro has women only carriages but never managed to get into one in time so jumped into carriage full of men who just push and shove getting on and off and its the younger ones too! So packed you have to go with the moving crowd when trying to get off and hope for the best! Tuk TuK (autorickshaw) ride past lots of notjust street children but families and as stuck at lights up comes a 5yr old girl to beg- I find it difficult to not give these children anything and off she went with the equivalent of probable a weeks food....if thats what does happen to the money she gets.....Well Egypt is in safe hands - I hope and Im off to the Taj Mahal at 5am tom - 3 day trip before heading to Golden temple at Amritsar. I will dream of monkies - who suddenly appeared out of a forested area and gave me a shock and street children who think that is their lot....I see volunteering coming on.....and the millions workers of Delhi sqished onto the Metro
It takes ages to upload pics on here so ive uploaded onto facebook album