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The Hutchie's Am-asian Adventures

No woman is an island......

MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 18 April 2007 | Views [5771] | Comments [11]

Temple at the Batu Caves.  A red bindi means you are unavailable .... sort of like a toilet door.

Temple at the Batu Caves. A red bindi means you are unavailable .... sort of like a toilet door.

...unless her name is Jeannot. Or at least that's what Cham the Chapati Man claims. Greetings friends! It's been a while since our last update, but fear not, we have been blazing our way through Malaysia and the Thai islands and have many Am-asian adventures to report.

None more intoxicating than our night in M.D. Curry House, Kuala Terrenganu, in the company of Cham - the man who taught the boss of Ferrari how to make the perfect chapati. An impressive claim, although not perhaps as impressive as if he'd taught him how to build cars or fine tune engines or something. Anyway, Cham had aslo met Elvis and Sean (pronounced Seen) Connery and was fond of serenading his female customers. Since we were the only customers, Jeannot was treated to a one on one performance of such classics as "It's Now or Never" and "Diamonds are for ever"!It was also through the medium of song that Cham made his startling claim that Jeannot's name translates to "Island" in Hindi. The song goes "Oh Jeannot, Jeannot, Jeannot, Oh Jeannot", which, for those of you who don't speak Hindi, means "Oh Island, Island, Island, Oh Island." You really had to be there to appreciat how much emotion one man could cram into such limited lyrics. Once we'd made this connection we were able to sing many other heartfelt Hindi classics such as "Oh my Jeannot in the sun" and "Jeannots in the stream". Good times!

Aside from chanters (or should that be chancers) like Cham, Malaysia has loads to offer the humble backpacker and we took in the historical town of Melaka, the waterfalls and lakes around Tasik Kenyir, and the beautiful beaches of Cherating and the Perhentian islands/ Perhentian Jeannots.

Next up were the Cameron Highlands. Famous for tea plantations and lush, rolling hills, it was a cracking contrast to the blissful beaches we'd just left. Humid, rainy and cold at night, it was like Scotland (with the added humidity of course). We hooked up with a local guide called Yam for an adventure into the hills, which included a trip to the BOH tea plantation. BOH is like the Tetley of Malaysia and the people who pick the tea are called the BOH Selectors. (Haw haw- Jeannot believed that - you'd think she would know better by now!)

Anyway, we had a pot of freshly picked tea and a cream scone (They do a lovely scone!) before heading further into the jungle for a special quest. Our objective was simple - find the biggest flower in the world. Although this sounds like an outlandish aim, it turned out that the world's largest flower - the Raffleasia (after Thomas Raffle) - was in bloom and only two hour's trek into the jungle interior. You know you've been travelling too long when a smiling stranger beckons you towards dense vegetation with his machete and you go without even conferring with one another. Needless to say, machete man was a good guy and lead us on our sweaty way. Have a swatch in the gallery (coming soon) at our big botanical find. It truly was a big old flower and it carried a bit of a nasty stench too, thus the reluctance on our part to get our heads too close in!

As a reward for our flower finding exploits, the villagers in machete man's village let us have a go of their blow pipes. Cue jokes about wacky baccy! No, not thsoe sort of blow pipes - the other sort. You know....the ones you fire poisonous darts from to kill things. We both managed to hit the target on the tree and there was even a stranage moment where everything went into slow motion and Bryan Adams popped up, singing that song from Robin Hood.

Our final stop in Malaysia was in Kuala Lumpur. We'd sepnt time there before on honeymoon, but we wanted to return to see Anthony's ex-colleague, housemate and honorary Scotsman, Greg. We spent a brilliant few days with Greg and his wife, Denise, who treated us to numerous curries, roti breads, tea tariks, Tiger beers, and our very own Indian outfits. Denise proved to be the Malaysian makeover queen and wouldn't let us leave without buying us the full outfit (right down to the earrings for Jeannot). All we need now is an Indian wedding to show off our new wares (Come on Raj! How's about it?) And so with a heavy heart (and an even heavier rucksack) we siad farewell to our lovely Malaysian friends for another few years and flew north to Thailand for a final stretch of R + R. And that's what we're doing right now. R-ing and r-ing. We do have more to tell and some great foaties to share, but the waiter just brought our drinks and we need to finish them before the massage in the Spa at 6, so until next time folks......Cheery bye!

Tags: Adventures



Hello Hutchies, good to hear from you again, we've been missing the bloggies! Not sure when you're home, but im back in Glasgow from 10th-14th May so hopefully see you then!


  Phil McGarvey Apr 18, 2007 7:39 PM



We arent stalking you, we just think you have forgotten about facebook and not read our messages and mel has a weird memory for things like am-asian so searched and found you.

we will be in bangkok from friday afternoon til sunday night if you want to meet up?

hope you had fun on the islands

Mel and Lee xx

  Melissa and Lee Apr 18, 2007 10:15 PM


So good to read your blog - actually made me laugh out loud! (And set me off trying to think of more 'Jeannot' songs!) Still, Easter break over, so it's back to school tomorrow - but no Rose! Fill you in on your inevitable return to Kew Riverside (and we're doing 'Oliver' this year, if you fancy tickets!)
Good luck with the last of your trip and keep in touch.
Big love

  Melissa Apr 19, 2007 4:42 AM


Thanks for giving me a giggle on this cold Scottish morn!


  Lesley and John-Paul Apr 19, 2007 6:01 PM


I'm sitting reading your blog in work, and I got some strange looks when I laughed out loud (in particular at the BOH Selectors)!

It's lovely to hear from you again. I'm glad you're having such a fantastic time. We've been in Cornwall for 10 months now, and I've nearly finished my first year teaching at Truro College - I can't believe how fast the time has gone. It's been brilliant, especially as the weather is beautiful at the moment. We were back in Scotland for a week over Easter (we went to Edinburgh, Arran, Glasgow, then Milngavie for a wedding - bit of a whistlestop tour!) and the weather (especially on Arran) was glorious. We've also been doing day trips around Cornwall (including to St Ives of course!).

Feel free to come down our way for a visit when you get back - there's an airbed with your name on it!

  Jen Apr 19, 2007 6:11 PM


Lovely to hear from you again. Your hilarious blogs and puns the sun would be proud of brighten up an already fairly sunny day back here in Blighty. You've inspired me to drag out my Asia pics and waste time reminesing instead of pressing 'instant update' every 3 seconds (Jeannot you know my pain!). Looking forward to having you back though and in my current state of unemployment I may be paying you a visit. Safe travels x

  Sarah Binns Apr 19, 2007 7:50 PM


Fantastic!!! i was wondering how you were finishing off the trip and cocktails and massages on the beach sounds the way to do it!!!!

so when are you both back??? Looking forward to seeing you!! take care

  Nathan Apr 19, 2007 8:07 PM


I thought blow pipes were a musical instrument - or maybe that's just in South America!!
Sounds amazing! I hope you both really in enjoy what's left of your trip and I can't wait to see you both soon!!
Lots of love,

  Katie Apr 19, 2007 10:55 PM


Can't believe your trip is nearly over, only three weeks to centre parcs. Not quite as exciting as your past 4 months but at least it gives us plenty of time to wade through your photos and hear all your stories - can't wait. See you both very soon. Kim xx

  Kim Apr 22, 2007 10:39 PM


Hey guys,
It's been a little over a month since I last saw you in Siem Reap, and in the interim I've returned home to the states. I love reading about your travels, and it really makes me wish I was still out there eating dodgy food, following half-mad tour guides, and drowning myself in Tiger beer along with you. I'm super jealous of your continued travels. Give me a shout if you ever make it to the San Francisco area.


  Charlie Apr 30, 2007 7:50 AM


Thanks for stopping by at Spratticus. Good to hear you've made it back and north of the border safe and sound. Maybe meet for a Singapore Sling when next I'm in Glasgow. It took me a while to get the 'Choppers' gag as I was on the wrong lines thinking teeth...

Cheers - Ants

  Ants Jun 30, 2007 7:15 PM

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