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Humanature - A study of wilderness in Leeds.

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

United Kingdom | Sunday, October 17, 2010 | 4 photos

Leeds is a large city in the north of England consisting of over 2650 hectares of designated woodland; however only 300 hectares of Leeds’ weald is made up of unplanted woods. The ongoing symbiotic relationship between humanity and the environment has had a broad reaching impact on the appearance of these spaces.

The viewer is presented with an uninhabited landscape; the photographs are void of human subjects. Upon further reading, it is however clear that humanity has, in some way, influenced the appearance of each scene. The photographs do not aim to criticise the relationship between man and his surroundings. They attain to visualise the ways in which the human race both effects and engages with environments that are often perceived to be inherently natural and un-constructed. My photographic work aims to place a contemporary perspective on the environment and the origins of nature itself.

I am currently studying the final year of my photographic degree in Leeds. The chance to explore Bhutan alongside a revered professional would be an incredible opportunity. This is a unique point in history to document a country which has been void of western influence, one of the few remaining places on the planet that we can truly perceive as wild.

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