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The chance that dwelt somewhere

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Bolivia | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | flickr photos

My name is Hugo Neri, I'm sociologist. I heard about the Scholarship completely by accident. I was in the middle of a trip, ending my days in Iran and moving to Morocco when I saw something related posted very quickly on someone's Facebook. I tried to visit the scholarship's website as soon as I could, and when I did it, I somehow became euphoric, wandering how that could be a great oportunity.

During my days in Morocco I frequently caught myself wandering about which pictures and what about me should I present. I'm not sure until now. I love to see and to be in different landscape and cultures, and I started to that mostly by myself. I started early and, sincerly, photography has just come after some trips. But when it came to me, I realized that slowly and progressively I changed my own way to see and experiment things around me, being sensible and senstive to a miriad of small things that are in fact deeply meaningful. Now I don't intend to capture he world in pictures, I try to present it in a partial and singular way. Thus, I believe I could do something singular and meaningful with the scholarship.

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