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Spring Sundays in Parc Mont Royal

About hswin

Me at the highest point in Scrabster, Scotland just outside of Thurso.

Me at the highest point in Scrabster, Scotland just outside of Thurso.

I am an aspiring fiction and travel writer. I love adventure travel, and I keep a running list of things I'd like to do in my lifetime. Most of them are inspired by a skill I have or want to learn or a book I've read. I'm in the process of planning out a website dedicated to literary travel (finding the name is the hardest part!). You can learn more about me on my personal site: www.hayleyswinson.com

My Bucket List:

  • Travel the trans-Siberian railroad
  • Trek across Argentina on horseback
  • Sail from Halifax to the Great Lakes
  • Caravan across an African desert
  • Road trip across the US
  • Train travel across Canada
  • Explore the Australian Bush
  • ...more things!

My Travel Map: