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The Lost Girls

From Lost Girls to Ambassadors!

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 21 April 2007 | Views [3889]

We—Holly, Jen and Amanda—have officially taken over as The World Nomads Ambassadors, a fabulous title that comes with more than a few precious perks. Not only have we snagged an unbelievable set of wheels (a totally pimped-out camper van emblazoned with more Technicolor logos than a NASCAR low-rider), a new Nokia phone, a fully-loaded Ipod and the very laptop we’re using to write this blog, we managed to convince the dream team behind the whole WN operation to spring for a three-martini lunch on Cockle Bay Wharf.

Do Sydneysiders—and indeed all Australians--greet every visitor with such flourish and panache? If so, we can’t wait to see what’s in store for us as we rumble through the continent over the next six weeks. In case this is the first time you’re checking out The Lost Girls on the World Nomads site, allow us to give you a (brief) backstory.

Jen, Holly and I are three Manhattan girls who quit our magazine and media jobs (insert Sex and the City references here) and left the States to travel the world for a full year. This many not sound all that unusual to you globetrotting Aussies, but as any American reading this entry could attest: it is wildly out of the ordinary for a trio of Yankees girls to go nomad for so long. Our parents were shocked. Our friends were confused. Our bosses didn’t know whether to congratulate us or fire us on the spot. Dealing with mass confusion aside, ditching our ordinary lives has turned out to be one of the very best decisions we’ve ever made.

Over the last ten months, we’ve visited five continents and more than a dozen countries including, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Kenya, India, the United Arab Emirates, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia and New Zealand. We’ve danced with half-naked Brazilian supermodel-types at the favela funk parties in Rio de Janerio, we’ve cleansed our auras (and learned a few yoga moves) at an Ashram in India and volunteered with a fabulous set of pre-teen students in Kitale, Kenya (You can read all about these madcap adventures at www.lostgirlsworld.blogspot.com).

Being a Lost Girl can be a blast, but starting now, we’re also embracing our roll as World Nomad’s cutest, best-dressed set of Ambassadors. We’re currently making plans to hit up—and write about—all locations we deem fabulous in and around Sydney, beyond the city limits and all the way up the East Coast. Check in with us every few days for updates on our adventures, Lost Girl recommendations and a few chick-on-the-street interviews. And if you witness us stalling out in our manual-transmission, 1999 World Nomads camper van, don’t just honk and wave….stop and say hello! We promise---you can’t miss us.


Your Ambassador Girls

Tags: ambassador van, on the road

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