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Adventures in Discovery

The All-inclusive vacation ends here

USA | Tuesday, 5 May 2009 | Views [183]

So I've come to the conclusion that Zoe and I have been living a far too pampered lifestyle of late and that things need to change.  After reaching this conclusion I decided the best course of action was to get out there and get our hands dirty. 

After years of wasting my airline benefits I figured the best way to achieve this goal was to do something travel related, but not in the same All-inclusive resort style that Zoe has grown so accustomed to in the past years.  I took my job as a flight attendant because I love to travel and Zoe seems to share this love with me.  It seems to be one of the few things we have in common with each other any more.  However, as of this posting the only travel Zoe has experienced has been upscale resorts, usually in exotic locales.  Short of having our rented home burglarized in Costa Rica Zoe knows nothing of travelling on the cheap.

So to take this up a notch I have decided that what we need to do with our free time this summer is to volunteer.  Not just with the Habitat for Humanity down the street but to go out and experience the world as it really is; without marble bathrooms and jacuzzi tubs but struggling, exotic and thriving.  I am thinking of India and Nepal, countries where we can make a difference.

I want to give back to those who were not so fortunate to be born into a society as free and affluent as our own.  I want Zoe to see that the life she has grown accustomed to is not the norm for most of the world's population.  I am not doing this out of tough love but rather in the hope that this new adventure will be a path for discovery for each of us.

On that note, for now the days of the all-inclusive luxury vacation are behind us.  In front of us lies indefinite possibilities.

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