This afternoon we took a 40 min river boat ride to the ancient Mayan city of Yaxchilan (pronounced Yaks-chi-lan) on the Rio Usumacinta (U-suma-cin-ta river). The Rio Usumacinta forms the border between Mexico and Guatemala and on our way up in the launch we zigzagged across it. It is really weird crossing a river like that and knowing that you are in another country. It is something we don't see in Australia.
The ruins are set deep in the jungle and this creates the perfect backdrop in which to explore them. It felt like we were in an Indiana Jones movie, looking for lost treasure as we entered through the dark passageway to gain access to the Grand Plaza. The howler monkeys, as if on queue, started their screaming which echoed throughout the jungle.
All around the jungle canopy cast a foreboding light across the moss covered stones of this ancient city. Rain started falling as we walked amongst the temples and buildings. Within some of the buildings are some carvings that have managed to retain some of the original colour, deep reds and blacks. Then we started the climb up the steep and slippery stone stairs to the first acropolis some 133 feet above the grand plaza, we trekked further up some 170 feet through the jungle to the second acropolis. By this stage the sweat and rain had drenched us and our shirts were sticking to us, one of the most uncomfortable feelings around, however lucky we are both reasonably fit now and the climb didn't take its toll on us.