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Final Thoughts

WORLDWIDE | Sunday, 30 Oct 2016 | Views [501]

So I'm back in the States after a four-month long adventure in Europe. I had the most amazing, magical, fun time! I got to eat delicious food, see gorgeous architecture, experience unique cultures, and learn fascinating history. I do not have a single ... Read more >

Grand Finale

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 30 Oct 2016 | Views [327]

Can you believe that this is my last places post? Because I absolutely cannot believe that it is. Four months has flown by and I am now back in the States. Europe has been incredible but I have written a post with my final thoughts, etc. on my trip. ... Read more >

Photos: Ireland + UK

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 30 Oct 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Eastern Europe

POLAND | Tuesday, 13 Sep 2016 | Views [475]

Howdy y'all! Well, it's been awhile since I last posted. Yikes! As my trip comes to a close soon I am changing cities more frequently and giving myself less time to write, so, sorry about that! I landed in Dublin last night and that marks the beginning ... Read more >

Photos: Eastern Europe

POLAND | Tuesday, 13 Sep 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Goodbye to Northern Europe!

SWEDEN | Friday, 19 Aug 2016 | Views [523]

I've now spent over two weeks in Northern Europe (and Barcelona) and I'm loving it! It's been a great reprieve from the intense heat and sun of Southern Europe that I battled for nearly two months. I have found that Northern Europe is much more similar ... Read more >

Photos: Amsterdam + Brussels

NETHERLANDS | Friday, 19 Aug 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Germany

GERMANY | Friday, 19 Aug 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Stockholm

SWEDEN | Friday, 19 Aug 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Athens

GREECE | Monday, 1 Aug 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Hej från Sverige (Hello from Sweden)

GREECE | Sunday, 31 Jul 2016 | Views [431]

It's goodbye Southern Europe and hello Northern Europe! With the exception of returning to Barcelona in a few weeks, I finished up my time in the south with Rome, Naples, and Athens. ROME Rome is a cool city, no doubt, but if I'm being honest, ... Read more >

Photos: Italy

ITALY | Sunday, 17 Jul 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Bonjorno Rome!

ITALY | Sunday, 17 Jul 2016 | Views [424]

Normally I keep my posts upbeat, but I wanted to start this one off with a little bit about the Nice tragedy. Some of y'all may have seen my Facebook post so you know that I was in Nice in the same location as the attack just seventy two hours earlier.... Read more >

Hello France, Goodbye France

FRANCE | Tuesday, 12 Jul 2016 | Views [441]

So far I have been traveling for a little over a month and during that time I have met so many awesome, interesting people from all over the world. Almost every one of them has talked about that one city that they've visited that they could picture themselves ... Read more >

Photos: France + Monaco

FRANCE | Tuesday, 12 Jul 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Madrid and Valencia

SPAIN | Tuesday, 5 Jul 2016 | Views [461]

My time in Spain continues with Madrid and Valencia. A quick side note: I know some of y'all were concerned due to the attack on the airport in Istanbul. I had originally planned on going to Turkey, yes, but in light of recent events I have decided that ... Read more >


SPAIN | Sunday, 26 Jun 2016 | Views [534]

It's official: I'm in love! With Spain that is! Since I'm spending less time in cities, I'm going to combine two or three cities into one blog post. So on that note, let's begin!   SEVILLA I LOVE Sevilla! I was there for three full days ... Read more >

Photos: Spain

SPAIN | Friday, 24 Jun 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Ciao Portugal!

PORTUGAL | Thursday, 16 Jun 2016 | Views [464]

This morning I said goodbye to Portugal and hello to Spain! Lisbon was amazing. I was told by more than one person in Porto that I would love Lisbon and they weren't wrong! Lisbon is the capital and the largest city in Portugal. Attractions are much ... Read more >

Goodbye Porto, Hello Lisbon

PORTUGAL | Thursday, 9 Jun 2016 | Views [647] | Comments [1]

One city down, many more to go! This morning I left Porto and took the train to Lisbon. Porto was the perfect place to start my trip. It's a major city but not huge. There is plenty to see and do, but no real major tourist attractions. It's right on ... Read more >

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