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Simple Life

“First Time” in Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 27 May 2015 | Views [176] | Scholarship Entry

Cambodia is always a mysterious place for visitors. Before you go there, you might have some special feeling on that.

When the aeroplane landed on the airport, the shadow of it reminded me how large the world is, and why we could not stop but to explore the world.

I drove a car to Siem Reap, and visited Angkor Wat. I climbed up the scariest temple stairs in Angkor Wat and saw the sunset on the top of the temple. The sunset was amazing and I felt I was blessed.

On the second day, I took a car ride to see the sunrise from Angkor Wat. However, the weather was bad and I could see nothing. I felt that I was just a small potato who could not control everything. The nature is indeed powerful.

For the following few days, I chose to visit Angkor Wat on foot instead of taking a car ride. I encountered a lot of funny and scary experience.

The first time I felt I was not dare to finish the last drop of water in my water bottle because I didn't know whether I could find a shop for the new one.

The first time I talked with some students in Cambodia, and saw that they went to school by bicycles.

The first time I stepped on the roads in Cambodia with the fear of landmines.

The first time I met several innocent and simple-hearted children who run around the temples for selling the postcards to visitors. They were clever and could speak several languages with their lovely smiles. I found that my heart was melted.

The first time I saw that almost all elderly in Cambodia could speak good French.

The first time I saw the locals cooking spiders for their food.

The first time I used several million dollars to buy just one coke.

The first time I tried some mysterious fruits which I bought in a stall, but I still have no ideas of what fruits they were.

There were so many “first times”, but I felt that I gained a lot from this trip, because I had retrospection and found how lucky I am.

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

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