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in search of the new black...


UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 4 Nov 2007 | Views [452]

"iron & wine" in concert!

Tags: Culture


UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 13 Oct 2007 | Views [472]

fritter buttie = 1 white roll + 2 potato fritters + salt + vinegar + brown sauce = £1

Tags: Food & eating

Gallery: France

FRANCE | Saturday, 1 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 215 photos >>

paris; take 2

FRANCE | Thursday, 30 Aug 2007 | Views [557]

the (not so challenging) challenge for this french holiday was to try a new cheese every day.  mission accomplished

Tags: Food & eating

le mans

FRANCE | Monday, 27 Aug 2007 | Views [522]

in search of the perfect crepe pan!  ie. weightless, free and takes up no room in my pack

Tags: Shopping

la cote sauvage

FRANCE | Sunday, 26 Aug 2007 | Views [470]

sunday driving in the wild west

Tags: Beaches & sunshine


FRANCE | Friday, 24 Aug 2007 | Views [478]

having a wine on the terrace overlooking a big old castle on a balmy summers eve with a bunch of french people - it's what you do in nantes

Tags: Culture

saint malo

FRANCE | Thursday, 23 Aug 2007 | Views [485]

my cute-o-meter almost broke with all the cuteness.  this little town on the coast full of gorgeous cobbled streets, cafés, sailboats is lovingly cradled in a careful embrace by big old ramparts.  but the tourists really do get in the way

Tags: Sightseeing

mont saint michel

FRANCE | Wednesday, 22 Aug 2007 | Views [469]

the sign said not to walk on the quicksand for a reason

Tags: I should have known better!


FRANCE | Tuesday, 21 Aug 2007 | Views [491]

i could really get used to this breton obsession with butter, salt and cider...

Tags: Food & eating

paris; take 1

FRANCE | Sunday, 19 Aug 2007 | Views [466]

more clichéd sights and activites than you can shake a baguette at - picnicking at les jardins tuileries, fighting the crowds to see mona lisa at the louvre, a bottle of rosé under a glittering eiffel tower, getting a crink in your neck under l'arc de ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing


FRANCE | Saturday, 18 Aug 2007 | Views [447]

after 12 hours of travelling, i met calais.  we got on ok, although she was a little subdued, and obsessed with moules frites. and also harbouring a runaway party of intellectually challenged individuals at the local youth hostel.

Tags: On the Road


UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 17 Aug 2007 | Views [494]

seagulls and chalk.  i only had an hour

Tags: Beaches & sunshine


UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 14 Aug 2007 | Views [487] | Comments [1]

hanging out with some very old stonework

Tags: Culture


UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 20 Jul 2007 | Views [424]

"god said to noah, there's gonna be a floody floody...!"

Tags: Culture


UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 6 Jul 2007 | Views [508]

i was pleasntly surprised by birmingham.  on missing out on a ticket to see "bright eyes" in london, i decided to go and see them in birmingham.  not that i was entirely sure where birmingham was.  not exactly known for its cultural sites, and ... Read more >

Tags: Markets


UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 5 Jul 2007 | Views [509]

how quaint.  but i can't help feeling that it's all a bit exclusive...

Tags: Culture


IRELAND | Tuesday, 12 Jun 2007 | Views [554]

portside kinsale was all sails and B&B's.  and an incredible red chowder and breads at the bright and breezy "fishy fishy cafe".  yum

Tags: Food & eating

dingle peninsula

IRELAND | Saturday, 9 Jun 2007 | Views [496]

i think i have been on a bicycle about twice in the last 10 years.  so my latest challenge was to cycle 30+km around the stunning dingle peninsula (ireland really takes the cake when it comes to hilarious placenames).  the views were stunning - sea, cliffs ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors


IRELAND | Thursday, 7 Jun 2007 | Views [555]

had 2 days in the killarney national park, in beautifully clear and sunny weather.  saw more poetic ruins, and best of all, had a "moment" with a jaunty irish stoat!

Tags: The Great Outdoors

clonakilty & inchydony beach

IRELAND | Tuesday, 5 Jun 2007 | Views [784]

who says ireland has terrible weather?  spent the day at lovely inchydony beach in the sunshine, and even had a quick "swim".  there was sunstroke, kites and a sand-laden picnic, what more could you ask for?

Tags: Beaches & sunshine


IRELAND | Saturday, 2 Jun 2007 | Views [514]

seeing people hanging upside down, being held onto by a friendly paddy to kiss a piece of stone built into the wall of a falling-down castle is amusing.  it is also tradition.  it is blarney

Tags: Laughter


IRELAND | Friday, 1 Jun 2007 | Views [513]

cork is green, lush, and full of places that look almost too irish.  if that is possible in ireland.  it has lakes, rolling hills, cows, churches, quaint-yet-grim shoulder-to-shoulder housing and a public bar on every street.  the locals are friendly, ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Gallery: ireland

IRELAND | Wednesday, 30 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 67 photos >>

Gallery: england

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 30 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 76 photos >>

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