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There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "hoi an".

One Month in Vietnam: Best & Worst

VIETNAM | Thursday, 28 Mar 2013 | Views [6520] | Comments [1]

After travelling through Vietnam we can say, without a doubt, Vietnam is beautiful, fun, exciting, tasty, accessible and friendly. The people and culture we experienced were for the most part helpful and warm. The environment is like nothing either of ... Read more >

Tags: best, food, ho chi minh city, hoi an, hue, noodles, phong nha farmstay, vietnam, view, worst

UNESCO Visits and Cooking!

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 6 Mar 2013 | Views [689] | Comments [2]

The Merchant City of Hoi An is a lovely city that sits along the Thu Bon River. Although no longer an active port, the City still holds much of the charm of old. The City is well preserved with 200 year old Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese merchant houses, ... Read more >

Tags: cham, hoi an, my son, red bridge cooking school, temples, tour, unesco

24 Hours from Saigon

VIETNAM | Sunday, 3 Mar 2013 | Views [608] | Comments [1]

We arrived in Hoi An this morning at 7:00am, exactly 24 hours after we stepped onto the bus in Ho Chi Minh City yesterday.  This was not the brutal travel experience you are anticipating. The buses were clean and comfortable---far more so than in ... Read more >

Tags: countryside, hoi an, rain, vietnam

Racking up miles equal to our expenses ;)

VIETNAM | Friday, 1 Mar 2013 | Views [555]

Went for a 12 mile roundtrip walk today: Morning market  Jade Pagoda Botanical gardens  Zoo Riverfront Total cost around $12 which includes a $7 messenger bag for Gillian, best part, breakfast for two was $1! Avg $1/mi.... Read more >

Tags: cheap, hcmc, hoi an, hue, jade pagoda, market, zoo

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