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Getting Lost Keep not standing fixed and rooted. Briskly venture, briskly roam. – Goethe

Kompong Cham

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 14 March 2009 | Views [544]

that last entry was rather terse. but i find that there are experiences that will just not be confined to the mere words i have at hand. i will just have to get to an internet cafe with a proper connection, upload some of my photographs and let them speak for themselves.

while bouncing on a public bus from Siem Reap to Kompong Cham, i came to the realization today that Cambodia has already begun to quietly change me. where once there was the ceaseless chatter of my mind - making snap judgements, dwelling on this, planning for that - now there is quiet. this is a sleepy town - a wide promenade right next to the water is the most prominent remnant of the French presence. we rent rusty old bicycles and hang on for dear life across a primitive bamboo bridge to a small farming village. in this place i can glimpse the slice of Khmer life that might have been were it not for the toll of wars\political instabilities. as we all pedal past these simple homes, adults and children are all smiles, waves and hellos.     

i am in awe of these people who have so very little and who have been through so much.

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