About goldenray4u
I'm a Deaf Adventurous Free Spirit. Because of this, every day is
a different adventure, even if it's as simple as taking the longer
different path. I am fluent in American Sign
Language and have the quirky behaviors of the Deaf Culture.
Intellectual fields of interests carry into learning (and educating)
about geography, biology, sociology, ecology, environmental science,
politics, economics, education, cultures, history, just to name a few.
I'm a dreamer: continuously thinking about big ideas. Especially
future opportunities and how to make them happen. If they don't happen,
the vision changes direction. That's the Adventurous part.
As I continue on the 36th month of my world travel journey, I’ve noticed my values
have really shifted towards a deeper quality of life; a broader
enjoyment of the short time on this planet; a love for stories.I'm still
very ambitious and driven, but this is bigger than just achieving goals
and status. It's the deepest quality of life I crave; attainable
through self-exploration, discovery, dreaming, and bringing a small
measure of happiness (however fleeting) to other folks. I’m a loner, but
I LOVE people. More simply: "Still water runs deep."
The values of adventure, life, friends, family, happiness,
big-picture worldview, logic reasoning, emotional self-control,
self-spirituality, being outdoors, deep thinking, meaningful
conversations, being scared doing something so different. All are so
essential to living an exciting fulfilling life!
"Most men worry about their own bellies, and other people's souls,
when we all ought to be worried abut our own souls, and other people's
bellies." -- Rabbi Israel Salanter 1810-1883
"People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my
complaint about them not understanding me." - Soren Kierkegaard
Right now, while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, I´m in the process of
wrapping up the last five months of an incredible 3 years nomadic vagabonding
around the world. It´s sort of a bittersweet transition back home and
into naturopathic medical school. I dream of someday taking these skills on the road.