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Krysten is always lost This winter I'm spending a semester in Antigua, Guatemala: learning spanish and other things, hopefully some volunteering and some killer picture taking as well. It's my third trip to Guatemala, it's the kind of place that sucks you in and never lets you leave completely, which is why I'll probably keep going back. This time I get to go with 19 of my classmates from Guelph, and another 18 or 19 from the University of Saskatchewan who I have yet to meet. So I definetly wont be alone.

what was lurking in the dark...

GUATEMALA | Sunday, 7 January 2007 | Views [1045] | Comments [3]

It all started last night when I got home from the bar and turned on the light in my room to find a gi-normous black bug scurrying across the floor. Obviously I found this to be quite disturbing and did not want to sleep with that thing in my room. Of course I was much too terrified to thoroughly search for it. I did very carefully nudge my suitcases that were sitting on the floor with my toe, and I stood on my bed and looked in all the corners of my room, but I couldn’t seem to find it again.


My solution was to go to the bathroom and hope that while I was in there it would leave on it’s own, or at least convince myself that it had gone while I wasn’t looking. Upon returning I carefully crept across the floor to my bed, made sure all the blankets and sheets were tucked in nice and tight all the way around, and just prayed that I wouldn’t wake up in the morning with this thing on my face. Thankfully I didn’t.


This morning I woke and assumed that whatever the horrifying creature was had gone on its merry way, and I didn’t see it at all the rest of the day. That is until I finished supper. After we had finished eating and I was about to walk back into my room I stopped myself for some reason. Instead of just walking in and turning on the light, I stood back a bit when I opened the door and just stretched my hand in to hit the switch. Sure enough when the light came down and looked at the floor, there in front of me, right where I would have been standing in my bare feet and flip flops, was a ferocious beast of a spider. The animal had claws that could rival a small lobster, I kid you not.


After leaping about 5 feet in the air I got my roommate Sarah to try and get rid of it for me, as my extreme fear of all things with an exo skeleton prevented me from doing so on my own. We thought it best to take a picture first, as to show everyone else what we were up against later. The subject remained quite still while Sarah took care of the proof, and I watched from a safe distance. Now the only thing left to figure out was how to get rid of it. It was way too big to step on, I think it would have carried me away if I had tried, which I wasn’t about to do anyways, there was no way I wanted to feel that thing crunching under my foot (plus I wasn’t willing to get anywhere near close enough to step on it). We decided to get a broom and chase it out. Yes that would work. Problem was, I didn’t keep a close enough eye on the thing while Sarah went to get the broom, and when we went back to get rid of it, it had disappeared.


I don’t know how a bug that big could hide so well, but we searched the entire room and couldn’t find it anywhere. Dismayed we gave up and went to meet the others at the park. There was no way I willing to stay home with that thing on the loose.


All evening I worried about that damn spider. How would I sleep knowing it was there, hiding with it’s pincers, just lurking out of site, waiting for me to go to sleep so it could crawl on my face. Eeegghgg, I shudder at the thought.


I was definitely not willing to go to sleep until I knew for certain that that monster wasn’t in my room anymore, so we decided to conduct another search after we got home. It didn’t take long before we found what we were looking for. There it was, in the most perfect position: right in my garbage can. Sarah pushed the can out in the courtyard with the broom, and eventually managed to work up the courage to tie the top of the bag and trap it inside. We tripled bagged it, but neither of us felt that was secure enough. I mean, the thing had claws for pete’s sake. The only solution we could think or was to put in the garbage can in the bathroom with a file folder and the lid on top. That’s where it is right now, and that’s hopefully where it will be in the morning.

the monster

the monster

Tags: Misadventures



Ew. Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew.


this is why i like Canada.


  Meghan Jan 8, 2007 1:55 PM


I swear they ate those things on fear factor once as one of the tasks they had to do to win money!!! I do not blame you for being freaked out! I think I would have cried!

  Tami Jan 8, 2007 3:25 PM


OMG that thing is horrifying!!!

  Laura Jan 11, 2007 8:01 AM

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