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About geraldine90

I am a mass media graduate, IMC department.

I am from Egypt, when I discovered my passion for photography, my country created a challenge within me, because on the surface you may not find a decent place to photograph, but when you dig deeper in it, you do...and that's what it’s all about, you don’t take the obvious shot you search for it, that’s what makes it worth it!
My first job experience was at JWT Egypt (advertising agency), I was an Intern there for two months. Aiming to be a copywriter.
On the other hand, I have this passion for photography, because unlike any other profession you get to express how you view the world through photos, not words. It somehow lasts, somehow places have their special essence and could make a person fall deeper in the photo and lose themselves for a while, it takes them to another place, you may find this weird but because of nostalgia I love photography, cause you always miss what you leave behind.
Another thing is, I am passionate for traveling, I live in a 24/7 daydream of traveling the world someday, but to be honest I know my chances are low...well, extremely low, budget wise and everything.

I won't say national geographic is my source of inspiration but i do this thing sometimes which is, I cut the pictures I like from the magazine and write the place of the photo in my "things to accomplish list". I do believe I might be something someday, I do believe I might afford to visit all the places I wished to go...

This opportunity is HUGE, and the chances of getting the scholarship maybe low, but if I did, It would change my life, this may seem a little bit cliché but that's the truth. That’s what it is...a life changing experience.

Last thing about me is: I may be the most curious person alive!