About geire
I'm an actor, writer, radio producer/presenter. I am a finalist in the 2012 Australian Commercial Radio Awards in the category of Best Docuementary.
I love traveling, and just weeks ago I returned from Spain and, DIE!!! a day in Morocco! It's AWESOME! GO THERE!
I've seen quite a bit of Australia, been to the UK a few times, Scotland, Japan, India twice, Italy, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia a few times each, New Zealand, the US, Norway...Spain and Morocco (die die die die die...and...I just died).
I love social media, technology, science, culture, art, film, literature, animals...and stacks more. I'm a deep/nitrox qualified SCUBA diver and believe me, if you want an amazing diving experience, Mombassa is brilliant! I want to do a sea floor dive with Great Whites next. Follow me on Twitter @GeireKami.