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Not all those who wonder are lost

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

India | Monday, January 14, 2013 | 5 photos

At the very essence of my soul, my engagement with the world is one of wonder and observation, through photography. I love how pictures are transformative and transcendental and can make you feel familiar with a place one has never been before. I am sensitive, intuitive and receptive. I am open minded, willing and trust my gut and pursue the adventure as it unfolds. Photography reminds me of this, the fragility of life and transience of every moment. Photography is perhaps the most important way of showing the world to itself and who we are and how we see ourselves and what we have become. Photography is one of the things that brings the world together. If chosen, this opportunity would allow me to further my technical knowledge and ability to capture things in a dynamic fashion that is more adventurous, unpredictable and exciting than anything I have ever done before. Every person wants one to be discovered. Life is the acquisition of experiences, and I believe this opportunity is just that and everything I need to find new inspirations, momentums and impetus to catalyze the evolution of myself as a person, as a photographer, as an artist and as a human of the world.

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Women who understand how life is the greatest balancing act and the importance of  carrying yourself with poise and grace.

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