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URUGUAY | Monday, 7 September 2015 | Views [235] | Scholarship Entry

My name is Florencia, I'm an Uruguayan Audiovisual Communication student. Since I can remember , and probably before , I connect things that apparently have nothing to do and give them a new meaning for me. From that moment , a picture begins to accompany me forever more . Some are so amalgamated and so vigorous that become stories. Thereby I grew up , nourishing my network with other stories and weaving mine. Eventually I dawned on me that I wanted to share my network of ideas, because that was the only way to continue to grow, because, after all , the permanent exchange of ideas is what gives validity to the network. Today I am convinced that I want to be a channel to show what other eyes see.
I always try to do my best with what I have and where I am, and I really enjoy it. I would like to continue learning and share a perspective. I would be proud to capture stories of a "hermano latinoamericano" like Colombia.

Tags: 2015 Film Scholarship to Colombia

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