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Uncle Travelling Flash

The Family Name

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 18 March 2009 | Views [896]

Lately Isabel and I have been constantly reminded of weddings and babies. Parisa is getting hitched, Nick & Beanie just had a baby, so did Droidy, Mike's got one in the oven, so have Jools & Johno, Chris Moran... and so it goes on. Here in NZ my old schoolfriend Lynsey is expecting again, Ian and Katie have little Kaylee, and now we're staying with Ed and Sian who have their plates piled high with Suki and Oscar.

All this knot tying and sprog dropping has definitely left its mark on us, becoming a fairly regular conversation topic as we tour the world in a state of glorious irresponsibility that we know won't last forever. We're pretty much agreed that we are desperate to start a family of our own... in about 6 years time. Meanwhile, talk of marriage seems to lurk in the shadows, (as after all, in my book you either propose or you don't, and you avoid the topic as much as possible beforehand) but once you get onto babies it's hard not to move onto baby names, and after that it's only natural to consider how it fits with the surname. And what will that surname be? Would Isabel become a Horton, would she stay a Steiner, or would we opt for the increasingly popular double barreled option, and become Steiner-Horton's? 

Hmm. Isabel is understandably not too hot on Horton (boring), and although we both think my christened name of Gomez sounds way cooler, it's not really worth being disowned by half your family for. I'm equally unimpressed with Steiner (German for Stoner), and the double-barrel option is horrible. So what to do?

Simple. Make up a new one, using the BEST letters from both our surnames to create a flashy, über cool surname!





So there you go. A pretty awesome surname as I'm sure you'll agree, and a happy compromise, as all good marriages should be. I can't wait to see the vicar's face when he busts that one out.

Tags: babies, names, weddings

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