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My Little Journey

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Indonesia | Sunday, December 30, 2012 | 10 photos

Hello, my name is Busyra Oryza. I am an open person, I'd like to meet new people around the world. For me, meeting new people around the world, see and learn about they culture are my biggest dreams to be come true. This opportunity to travel to Oman would be one of my chances to meeting new people. I love to meeting new people everyday because I could learn something new from them. I really love to learn something new, everytime I curious about something I must be ask someone about that, at least I will google it. Also I have an interest in photography. Through photography we could tell story about everything. One single photo could tell a million story. This scholarship opportunity gives me everything that I needed. With this scholarship I could travel, meet new people, learn new culture, and learn to be professional photographer. Also National Geographic had to be my favorite since I was 15 years old. I really thankful if I would be chosen one. This is a really big opportunity for me.

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