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Random thoughts on coffee, layovers and traffic

USA | Saturday, 1 June 2013 | Views [716] | Comments [1]

I can't believe already a week has flown by and I am already in NJ, which also means that a week from now I will be in Ireland!  Crazzy!  The last week was filled with visiting friends and family in KC then flying up to see my parents for a few days in VA. While I was in KC I really started to wonder how come I had not spent more time with my family up there? It had become blaringly obvious the last couple weeks as I raced around trying to get to see my friends and family that I have let the busyness of my life keep my from maintaining my relationships. I used to always wonder how people could live 10 minutes from each other but never get together, and I have seen myself do that very thing.  Relationships and people are very important to me but life has a way of pushing it to the next day, to the next day...and it never happens. The question that I have to now ask myself is now that I see that I fall prey to the rush of life how will I keep this from happening again?

  So, where do I begin with my travels thus far?  I guess I will start with my flight to VA, which took me from KC to Denver then on to VA - which brings me to the point, how does it make ANY sense to fly back to CO just to jump on another plane and fly back across where you just came from?? But whether or not that made any sense to me that is precisely what I did. I knew that my plane for VA left at 12:35 so as we began our descent into Denver I checked my phone to see what time it was, YIKES, it was 11:55 so I was going to have to hussle to make that connection. I swiftly found the gate that I needed to be at and was just in time to stand in my A 30-60 line, my turn came to get on the plane and the attendant scanned my boarding pass RRRRRNNN, the buzzer when off, "honey where are you going?" he asked me. "umm, to Dulles, International?" I nervously replied, wondering what could be wrong with my pass. "That's the next flight, this one is to Canton, Ohio" he grinned, and pointed very clearly to the flashing sign above his head which stated that fact. I sheepishly smiled at the B lines forming behind me (can you tell I was on Southwest? :)) as I made a fast exit.  I was so confused though, and took out my phone check the time 10:35?! Gosh Darn it, the time change!!! I totally forgot and my phone hadn't registered it til we landed.  NOW i felt stupid and had two hours to kill, COFFEE was what I needed and I knew just the place to get it from.  If any of you are ever in the Denver airport or if you ever see a Dazzbogs coffee you must go there! It is absolutely perfection in a cup.

  So after my delightful cup of coffee which I drank so fast that I had finished it before I even got back to my gate I decided to write some emails and settled down in seat where I could comfortable watch my gate. Lost in what I was doing I suddenly noticed that everyone was boarding and my group was up to be in line so I collected my stuff and quickly got into line. Again, I approached the attendant with my pass and again he scanned it RRRRRNNN, the buzzer announced..."ma'am you should be at the next gate over" whaatt?? So once again I sheepishly smiled at the people all lined up behind me hoping none of them had been there to witness my previous incident and hastily marched to the next gate being VERY careful to make sure and read the flashing sign over the attendant's head.  I am sure the security camera guys were either wondering what I was doing, trying to get on planes that I didn't have a ticket for or chuckling to themselves about that "blonde".  Anyways, I had a littel laugh with myself once safely aboard my (correct) flight :D

I arrived in VA safely and spent a delightful few day with my parents, the highlight of which was a day trip that we took to St Michael's Island. I would highly reccomend visiting there if you are at all into bay towns.  It was just like walking into a movie; tiny shops with everything hand made and unique, old men reading the newspapers in rocking chairs outside some of the shops, sailboats moored off the piers, candyshops, ice cream parlors, and year round Christmas shops made everything magical. A little old lady who sat in the gorgeous 17th century Church informed us that Christmastime is when you should come..That there is nothing like it!

After a harrowing day navigating the traffic of Washington and NJ, which nearly ended the love of a mother and daughter :) )Seriously though, if you EVER make the mistake that thinking you'll have more time to bond together as you drive instead of taking a train or bus..think twice, traffic and backseat driving will put even the best relationship to the test.) My mom dropped me off at a quaint coffee shop in Hammonton NJ to meet one of my dearest friends, whom I have not seen in a year.  I am now sitting in her peaceful flat, sipping on coffee as she urges me to hurry up and finish this as we must go to lunch! So I will bid you all adieu and try not to make the next post take so long to get out. (In all fairness though, I had one ready and was trying to upload pics and didn't realize that this site logs me out in 60 minutes...sooooo, I lost it all :<)

Hope everyone has an awesome day!

Tags: coffee, layovers



Glad you finally found the right gate and destination in Denver...and you wonder why we worry about you when you travel. :-) Sounds like you had wonderful stateside travels. Keep the pictures coming. xoxo

  Kathy Jun 6, 2013 6:15 PM

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