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Garut Rams Fighting

In this picture, two strong male rams with big, long and strong horns are made to fight against each other in the center of arena, usually in a field. Like a boxing match, the arena is also equipped  by referees and coaches to control  the competition. So, don't worry, the referees will make sure that the rams to not harm. He may stop the competition, when he saw one of the rams had been injured. Each game consist of two rounds and in every round isn't more than ten collision of the head. The competition is based on the weight of the sheep. So, which will be the winner of this competition?
(note : the meaning of this culture is not to harm the sheep, because in every fight, there is limitation time that keep the sheep unharmed.  And it's base of the horns that take most impact, but the sheeps remain unharmed )

INDONESIA | Tuesday, 2 July 2013 | Views [600] | View Larger Image

In this picture, two strong male rams with big, long and strong horns are made to fight against each other in the center of arena, usually in a field. Like a boxing match, the arena is also equipped by referees and coaches to control the competition. So, don't worry, the referees will make sure that the rams to not harm. He may stop the competition, when he saw one of the rams had been injured. Each game consist of two rounds and in every round isn't more than ten collision of the head. The competition is based on the weight of the sheep. So, which will be the winner of this competition? (note : the meaning of this culture is not to harm the sheep, because in every fight, there is limitation time that keep the sheep unharmed. And it's base of the horns that take most impact, but the sheeps remain unharmed )

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