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The Pursuit of Happiness

My Scholarship entry - The courtyard

Romania | Saturday, October 25, 2014 | 5 photos

The most exotic place I have ever seen is my Grandparents' courtyard. In a small Romanian village, inside an electronic-poor environment, I started to ask questions about my own identity.
The place where I lived as a child suddenly changed, became extraordinary, like a caterpillar growing into a beautiful butterfly. The trees, the walls, the grape vine and even the weeds, they all ignited my imagination. Struggling to return to innocence, I discovered faith in my 5-year-old cousin, Felix. As I watched him grow, I began to live his life – strange, hazardous yet halcyon. Felix invents worlds out of nothing and appreciates everything he finds in the old courtyard – a tiny pool, a straw hat, the sun skipping through the darkness.
This year I’ve learnt about being a puny creature on this “pale blue dot”. And I firmly think it has to do with love; love for everything that surrounds us. Having a glimpse at the little universe in my family’s courtyard made me imagine what lies beyond it. I wonder what there is out there that will make me feel transcendental.
My name is Felicia, I've been here for 20 years, and I cannot imagine living but in curiosity, excitement and quest for beauty.

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