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My Scholarship entry - Egypt

Egypt | Friday, December 14, 2012 | 6 photos

I've never earned a single cent from my photography. My photography is my own but there are some things- experiences, pleasures, and places that I'd like to share with others. I want to show people the world though my eyes, my lens. I want to inspire, create wonder and encourage adventure in the hearts and minds of others. All it might take is a single photograph. A single moment captured by the click of my camera.
Blah blah blah!? Yet true. My photos may look like mere happy snaps but for me they are much more than this. They represent my experiences of Egypt and how the people (much more than the architecture) have inspired me to pursue photography more seriously and take pride in my own creativity. These photos are by no means my best work but I have chosen to use these 3 images because they have personal value which I hope might be conveyed to my audience. It is people in their natural environment that I love to photograph. I love capturing joy as well pain (in an everyday sense) and to communicate ideas, visions and passion. Photography for me is life. It is capturing life. It’s almost that simple for me. The beauty is there, I just want to keep it. Forever.


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