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Marco, Lahiri & Rory: travelling gypsies. Turns out we have the same father...what a coincidence...We plan to get lost throughout the world, get kidnapped by pirates and have a journey of a lifetime.....ooooh so exciting!

About faifailemu

Just 3 young & incredibly handsome travellers who have met in the Mount (the heart of NZ) and discovered they have a lot in common, for starters their father (can you imagine, what a coinkidink). The love for silly conversations, fruit barbeques, spontaneous sometimes irresponsible decisions, white Russians and meeting more life appreciating creatures like themselves. Between them they have missed a numerous amount of planes and busses, lost a fair amount of passports and credit cards since they met, but see these instances as merely interesting obstacles of their journey and live for these beautiful fulfilling moments. They are unprepared, have no idea where they are going or how long their journey will last but hope to end up somewhere near Europe within the next year. Jealous??? Why, just make the decision and join then, it really is that easy. But, only if you appreciate life, the world and respect others and enjoy silly conversations, fruit barbeques, make spontaneous sometimes irresponsible decisions and most importantly love white Russians.

My Travel Map: