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Euro Trip 2011


NETHERLANDS | Thursday, 2 June 2011 | Views [296]


Where do i start, we arrived into the campsite at about midday, this campsite was really cool, full of young people, it had a bar and restaurant it just had a really cool vibe. Once we got to our site and set up the camper we went for a little explore into town, the campsite was really close to the centre of town, about 10 min on the tram or 20min bike ride. the first day we caught the tram in and did a walking tour, this went for about 3 hours and was really good we got to see all the sights, the guy was a little weird though i think he was a bit high… it was good anyway. After the walking tour we walked around for a while and came across a local coffee shop which was very interesting its hard to imagine walking into a place and they have a menu with a bout 20 different types of weed… that night we had a few beer in town and made our way back to the campsite.. The next day we decided to buy some bikes, because we are travelling around for so long we thought we mose well buy them, then we can have them for the whole time. We went on a mission and finally found a shop… its crazy in amsterdam there are more bikes than people but finding an actually shop is really hard. The bikes we got were awesome mine is dark purple and has 3 gears and even had a mud flap and a back light, and mikes is a navvy blue not as cool as mine but still good. Once we got our bikes we went for a ride around town. Its really cool riding in amsterdam, if you are on a bike  you own the road, cars, trams and busses will all stop for you, if a pedestrian walks in front of you and you hit them its there fault for getting hit and the bike riders will abuse you if get in there way.… its crazy, you do have to be careful thought when walking around if you step into the bike lane the last thing you hear before you are killed will be "ding ding".

The last few days we have been all around amsterdam, we have met heaps of random people, we met this one couple they were from england and were over for the weekend, we were sitting at a bar having a beer and they were on the other side of the alley at a "coffee shop" it was so funny the guy was a little high and had his head between his legs completely wasted, his girl friend saw us laughing and taking photos so she came and chilled out with us, its weird how you meet people. we went and did a red light district tour which was cool, got to see all the girls in the windows which is really bizzair, you are walking down and street and look across and there is a half naked girl looking at you shaking her ass… we went to a sex show.. this was one of the most crazy things ive ever seen.. it went for an hour and there was 1 lesbian couple and 3 normal couples and in-between each couple was a stripper. it was really surreal sitting there watching people have sex., it was so funny there was a big group of chineese men that came in and with them was a little old chineese lady, they left about 10 mins into it i don't think the lady was too impressed, as i was saying before its crazy where you meet people, we met an australian couple sitting next to us at the sex show, and we ending up having a few beers with them after. 

Its so much fun just riding around, we have found the best places just by accident, we were riding along one day on the outskirts of town, in a residential area and we cam across a local market and we could smell the most amazing food, we found this stall that were selling doner kebabs, these were amazing the bread for the wraps were being made by an old lady at the back and being baked fresh, they were amazing, they had everything on them from cooked veggies to pickles, we went back 3 days in a row just to get one.  We also found this really amazing park on the outskirts of town, it was massive and had beautiful gardens, we road around it for about 2 hours. we also cam across the I AMSTERDAM sign which is outside a museum, there was also huge grass are here where all the locals come and sit and drink and have picnic on a sunny day, so we did as the locals did it was so nice we pretty much sat there all day just people watching. 

We have had the best time in asmterdam, its a really cool place id defiantly come back. 

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