About evatheintern
I am a Danish student doing my internship at the non-profit organisation L.E.A.F. Our work revolves around reforestation, wildlife rehabilitation and environmental education. Our developments aims to bring conservation education to rural Cambodians & strengthen existing environmental values through traditional local believes. We emphasize on working with vulnerable forest neighboring communities and developing sustainable livelihood. We do so through donations and volunteers.
What I found really exciting when I came here, was that although the NGO's does their best and constantly becomes more modern in its view of true animal welfare, there is still far to go and many in the West would probably shake their heads once in a while, but things take time and I think it's the people who stay here and work with the organization, whom really makes a difference, compared to those who judge and move on after a few days.
Super exciting, new, funny, exhilarating, promising, important!
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