So I got up early today and took the matatu from Nakuru to Naivasha Kenya looking forward to seeing the Hells Gate National Park. After walking around a bit and finding the entrance, the admission fee is 25 USD per day, plus 500 KSH (8USD) to camp and another 500 for a bike. So without eating or traveling I would spend almost 2 days budget! anyway, now I am back in town doing nothing because there is no way I was going to pay that much to get into the park. Just because they can charge anything doesnt mean they should, no? Anyway, I might head north to Kakamega Forest today and spend an extra day there before heading to Uganda. I knew Kenya was expensive but this is the first time it affected me! More to come...
Oh anyway I did get a "safari" on the bus ride down here.... from my seat I saw 2 kinds of monkies, a whole bunch of zebras, and what my city boy self would call a warthog...I have no idea what it was! so the day has still been a good one. Yay! peace
Oh did I mention that I crossed the equater yesterday? I did it while flying to Australia once, but this time it was over land! Good times...